Why not stay at a cabin?

Today we open door twelve, and today it will be about mountain cabins. With crowded hike trails , and overfull mountains stations an alternative would be to spend the nights in a nice mountain cabin instead? Here it will be more ”airy” and more spartan. Here you have to take some more responsibility, which means to carry water and chop firewood. with its own stove in the room, the atmosphere will be cozy. However there is a risk that a middle age man will have his synthetic undershirt with a day of moister with the smell in your vicinity. But I still can remember the night me and the mountain men Jansson spend at  Stensdalen.

Sleeping in a room with 6 other wild men. But the atmosphere in the cabin, when the stove was fired up could not be mistaken. One of the other cabin I can recommend will be the Nallo cabin in Abisko/Kebnekaise area. The summit trip to Nallo is a reasonable challenge even for those who do not usually climb peaks and it is also possible to ski around Nallo mountain. In beautiful weather, a climb of Nállu is highly recommended. From the top you can see all the way to Kebnekaise’s both peaks.

Nallo 2014

The area is also fantastic for skier, here they can live out the ”white dreams” of skiing.

See ya tomorrow…

En reaktion på “Why not stay at a cabin?”

  1. Will always remember that night at Stensdalen after the long skitour from Storulvån. It was a cosy atmosphere, a hot stoove with cracking firewood and good laughter around the table.

    You served reindeer filet Bergman if im not wrong. Always a success…

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