New challenges, and to think a bit different…

Today the blog will be about this weeks training and about to think different.


No good ski track today…

This week has been a good training week. Good because of all different training. Workout at the gym, running, hiking & lugging a the carwheel, and the stairmaster and EFIT. Totally 8 hours and 56 minutes., great:-). The trends in training this year will be; Yoga, triathlon-training, and longdistance(running biking etc.). From my Point of view there is one interesting thing. I think its good to comibine different type of training, to a duathlon for example. Skiing and workout at the gym. Or Swimming and running etc. That will be my focus this year together with balance training.


Start thinking different…

I think it is important to challange myself. Because if I do the some thing, at the some time all time, you will be stucked in your mind. This will impact your way of see things. You will not see it in new angels.


YOU, only you can decide your thoughts, so be careful of them(the thoughts)…

So start challenge yourself, try another way to the job tomorrow.  Try a new dish for the dinner…That is the way to start thinking different. And you, don’t wait your whole life for the perfect moment, take this moment and do it perfect….and you, the secret of life is not what is happening to you, it is what you doing with that what is happening to you..Tomorrow is the day for us to start thinking a bit different, or…;-)

Find your self some new challenges for the upcoming future, something that will develop you..I have some new challenges, I can promise that…

This weeks training suggestion, (in Swedish, but instruction is easy to follow)

And a good training hit..

And some chill music as well..

And at last, some new gear. TSL has come out with a new snow-shoe that adepts to the ground. A bit of different thinking as well:-) or..


See ya soon, I hope:-)


All about training and upcoming events..

Mid January and the  importance of training…

(Start the youtube clip in the end while reading the blog:-) and enjoy..)

The training follows the plan. 9 workouts this week, a good variation. The ice makes it hard to run, so I have to use the fantasy to find new solutions. Yesterday I woke up 05.20, put some coffee in to the blood and out lugging the car wheel for 2 hours. One hour Efit and a run for 7 km. Today I have done the Stairmaster machine with 25 kilo in the back-pack, a great weekend:-) And here comes some more comments about training:


Mountaineering and fitness…

When it comes to physical training it can be divided into three main areas: A. Energizing processes, B. strength and techniques and mental training.

First it is fundamental to train cardiovascular training. Aerobic capacity training. The heart and lung capacity. Every workout must be at least 30 minutes, and the level shall be between 65-85% of max heartrate. (220-your age= your max heartrate). The thing is, that mountaineering gives us an opportunity of a series of different types of workouts; hiking up-hills with back-pack, hiking up-hills with snow shoes, run in stairs, mountain bike uphill and downhill, rock climbing, skiing, skating, swimming, and running. It is you that set the limitations. The more different methods the better and less risk of injuries. You can also do group training such as EFIT for example.


Endurance is very important. A mountaineering-day starts around 01.00 and end at 19.00. ~17 hours..So you have to increase the endurance in the training. You can do that by increase the weight in the back-pack you train with. Longer distance, faster speed, increase number of repetitions for example. When it comes to aerobic process the interval training will be a main factor. Running you can use 70/20 seconds or 90/30 or even longer 4-5 minutes. Cycling you can go between 15-30 minutes and speed hikes up to one hour.

Strength and techniques, here is it the base exercise that counts. Core is the push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, leg press etc. Important is to have a variation of exercise. Then you avoid injures and that your body adapt to the training in a bad way. It is never wrong to have branch specific program. It is better to have 8-12 cycles, to get endurance in the muscles. It is also vital to train the balance. Start with standing on one leg, next step do it with closed eyes. Train to walk on a line…and train on a “slack-line”.

Mental training, here it comes to your approach. If you want to become a mountaineerer there is no trespass. You have to go up early and do endurance training. You must go uphill with heavy back-pack. It is physical training, but also mental. Lugging a car wheel 5.30 a Saturday morning is both physical and mental training. By training that, you combine everything in a good way. You must challenge yourself. If you not living in mountain environment, you can go out when it is snowstorms, you can do skiing on frozen lake in headwind. There is no limitation, except of your fantasy. And of a sudden the exercise become fun…or..:-).


You fantasy is the limitation, prepare your self for the worst…

Mountain Navigation & Map Reading Weekend Courses - Lake District[1]

Mountain navigation training, very important…

Workout bank for endurance, balance and strength:

Cross-country skiing,,


Cross-country skiing with sledge,

Snow shoe running

Alaska winter sports include snow shoeing

Snow shoe hill training (with or without back-pack.)

Cross-country running, in one compass direction (set watch for example one hour, and turn back)

Skating with or without back pack.

Skating with sledge.

Running uphill with or without back-pack.

At last three upcoming event to look forward too:  A Everest climb in Stockholm…interesting.. This years event at Storulvån, skiing, event etc.  fairs of wilderness in Stockholm..

And at the end; this weeks training hit, Train hard and enjoy!!

Keep in touch…


Training, motivation and a new challenges?

A good week with 10 workouts. Got up 05.15 yesterday morning and trailing the weel with a 15kg back-pack in two hours.


Today it will be a blog about motivation. To start with there are two different types of motivation, internal motivation and external motivation. The internal is driven by a willingness and a desire to accomplish something. Three main thing that is needed for to accomplish the goal (or your dream) is: self-confidence, apperent action directed, and a main focus to be able to become motivated. Then the question will be how? Set goals, reward yourself, do continues asssays, view and work with wholes and visualize your results. Keep your focus on your strength, dare to take risks. Challange yourself with your targets, admit your misstakes and understand that you cant know everything.

So to become motivated, to become dedicated, you must have a target. So get your self a target, get motivated and here we go…This is your and your targets year. Go for it….keep focus and you will achieve it…


So now its up to you:-) Get motivated!!


Se ya next sunday…


Skating and about Januari..

The training follows the plan, and so far, this week it has been 4 workouts. Today I went out on the ice for skating. So  25km, a nice day and a perfect ice…


Januari is a bit tough, Chrismas is over and it is a bit depressing. Its still dark in the mornings…So keep a look on the blog. There will be three chronicle’s to get you more enthusiastic and even more engaged. One about training, one about mental attitude and one about new challenges…

See ya soon…

About a fantastic day, a Norwegian guy, and 389 workouts…

I woke up early this morning. I started the day with a cross-country workout. During the workout the sun started to slowly rise, a perfect start of the day. In the evening I went to the gym, and the down was coming, and the moon rise. I nice day overall:-). So far  it has been six workout  this week. I summed all my workouts for 2014 and it was totally 389 workouts. A good year. Yesterday there was a real good documentary about Alexander Gamme and his lonely tour to the South pole. If you didn’t see it, look here…highly recommended:-)


Aleksander Gamme

And now its focus for the upcoming event this year…


The mountains are calling and I must go….