Happy New Year!

So here comes the summary of the 2024.

A Autumn tiredness, in October I wrote about this. The sleep is the recovery of our bodies, so be aware of that, and take care of your sleep.

B Björneggen, a new acquaintance, the IML Winter assessment took place here and I was really satisfied with the area and all possibilities here. I will for sure return…

C Copyright, well this was the reason for me to stop blogging in February. I have used a photo that cost me a amount of money. So I decided to stop, but get on better thoughts and rethink it.

D Discipline, for me this is a magic and nice word (for some it is a terrible one) but this is how to have a form for develop for each day. Have in mind to become a better you for each day. Not just physical, but as a human/person.

E Enaforsholm, this place where somehow everything in the mountains begun for me (in 1980). And still it is a place for reflection and contemplation. It will always be a main part of my mountain history.

F Funäsdalen, I might have praised this village to much… But the village is so lively, so vital and filled with energy, you can always find an adventure in some way here. This year I will not forgot the morning walk with my husky and the fog lifted and the mountains emerged.

G Guiding, this is all about leadership humility, I am so glad over a lot of things this year. Three new IML instructors, a new IML standard and a ownership and start up with a new Mountain Leader Norm in Sweden.

H Hukejaure, this cabin is a real pearl. Situated close to the Hukejaure lake. The Nordkalott trail passes here and it is a seldom visit cabin.

I Introduction of IML for the Campus Åre took place in September in Åre area. A couple of students get to try out parts of the IML training. Both teacher, students and instructors where satisfied.

J Jämtland, not mention the area this year would be wrong. A lot of changes has been done due to the decision of take into account the reindeer herds demands. This result in 30% reduction of Mountain tourists in the area.

K Kenai, my loved Husky, my life mate my best friend. He have to pass away in the late October. I still cry over him at my daily hikes. I miss him, what more can I say…

L Leadership, a lot of writing in my blogs about the topic. Guiding and leadership belongs together, and it will always be a major and important part in my blogs.

M Mountain Safety Council, as a member of this I think it is a very important work. The physical meting at Postvallen was great. The morning run among the Kesu lake was something to bring in my memory.

N Näske, the Northern entry towards Skuleskogen was a new experience. This hike with Kenai was unforgettable. The late September sun really shined into our souls…

O Orienteering, as always I started the summer season with the yearly “Naturpasset” a couple of orienteering controls. This is a good habit to keep up the spirit and knowledge for navigation skill.

P PLB, this is a real good safety solution. I can also see that the market of Personal Locator Beacon increases which is very good. If you don’t have one, get it. This will hire your safety potentially.

Q Quotes,  ”If you think you’ve peaked, find a new mountain.” ” The way up to the top of the mountain is always longer than you think. Don’t fool yourself, the moment will arrive when what seemed so near is still very far.”

R Renhornet, This mountain cabin is well worth a visit. So why don’t you go there this winter? You will be satisfied.

S Skuleskogen-Skuleberget, I will always return to this place. It a an wonderful area with a lot of options. The small cabins and the near of the sea really make you feel free.

T Tent, the 6th of October I blogged about tents. Here you got a lot of good advises and suggestion of how to chose the right tent. The night I spend at the small lake at Ottfjället in September was incredible. When I took the first coffee of the day I really enjoyed…

U UIMLA, this year the yearly meeting was in North Macedonia. So we took a decision of accept the new platform/standard for the IML training. It was really great to meet al countries, and I understood the complexity with so many wills…

V Voss, a summing of this year without mention Voss, Norway would be totally wrong. I really fall in love with this place. A small nice village with the mountains and waterfall so close. The morning hike among the lake was tremendous.

W Why, cant we take the natures way of showing us that we need to take care of it? I am really afraid and thinking a lot of how I can be better to take care of the environment. I am so tired of this “fake” news. Shut up and read real fact. And that when it comes to all news. Take responsible for you own knowledge. What is facts and what is fake.

X X-treme. This can means a lot but here it will be the Helsport Tarp I will test. I look forward to that and I think it will be an interesting experience.

Y Yonder, what will be the next adventure? Well a night under the stars is what I am looking forward to. This will be this New year’s cliff hanger…

Z Zipper, this is one thing that is really important. A small detail that can save your night sleep. Never get wet from damp clothes. Use the zipper all gear/apparel got.

Å Åre Campus, a great cooperation between SFLO and Campus Åre has been established and very happy for that.

Ä Älvdalen, the year started with Ice climbing as usual and was really good as always.

Ö Över, now this year is over, and a new adventure year to come. I really looking forward to this year…

Manu Chao – Tu Te Vas (feat. Laeti) (Official Music Video)

See ya soon…

Blog 825. The Bivy bag..

Why using a tarp or/and a bivvy bag?

Today the topic will be about bivvy bags, but you can’t speak about that without also mentioning the tarp. So first of all what is a bivvy bag, and what is the reason for use? The easiest way to explain this, is to describe it as a shell for your sleeping bag. It can also be used as a shelter for emergency needs. But here today it will be about as a shell for your sleeping bag. Ok, so why do we need this? Well its like a bit of using a convertible, the feeling of freedom. I prefer a real tent for the comfort and as well for the space. But still it is a feeling of “freedom” to use a bivvy. So what do you need to think of while choosing a bivvy bag? First of all you need one that will protect from rain, moister and wind. It should also have good ventilation for minimize the condense.

So the advantage with a bivvy bag is the freedom right, but the disadvantage is that you cant do anything for example cooking or so, and you risk that all your gear will get vet, when you getting out of the bivvy (if its raining) So for that you also need a tarp (here is why I prefer a tent). But on the other hand, nothing is like laying in your sleeping bag and watching the stars up above…

Ok, so how and what to choose? First of all there is two types of bivy’s, the bivy shelter and the bevy bag. The bivy shelter got a pole to keep the sack up from your head. This of course result in a bit more weight. The bivy bag will increase the warming capacity by about 5 degrees Celsius. And it will keep your sleeping bag dry. The bivy shelter is more lavish, and resist rain even better.

Here comes the next part, it will be of high importance of how and where you choose your place for sleep with this solution. A tent is more forgiven due to a bivy bag. So first of all secure you got dry surface. Avoid place where water might build gutters. You should also chose a place where you got some wind protection.

And now we go over to the more practical use of the bivy solution. If it happen that you need for a pee in the night, plan for it. Getting out of the sack might be a complicated story, and you risk to get everything wet. The next thing to focus on will be -how to avoid moister/condensation in the bivy bag. My first thing to recommend is to use a tarp to put under your sleeping mat (if its not rainy or risk for rainy weather). This will hinder the cold coming up from the ground, this will decrease the risk of condensation. Try to place your sleeping place where the coolest/radiating/condensing surface is well above you, but then you defeat your view of the sky. The next thing you can do is to high the bivy end with a pole or use bungee cord for example. Take advantage of breezes to help move moisture away (see above), this can be a fine line when actually trying to use a bivy for wind protection. Don’t go to sleep with damp clothes and do not breath inside the bivy bag. I also recommend to bring  a wettex cloth for dry the bivy sack if/when needed.

I will try the snugpak Bivybag Special forces. I like the solution with a zipper for ventilation and for a fast way of getting out from the bag. I will also test the Helsport Bitihorn Tarp X-treme. So there I got a “wrap” bivy solution😊.

Sunday Afternoon

See ya at Tuesday

The domino effect…

So now this years calendar come to its end. Today it will be about morning routines. I think this is a very good way of improving your life. See it as what it is, just a suggestion and not a fully solution. You can pick parts out of it.

So the morning routines start the evening before. Before you go to sleep, just be grateful for the day and what you have experienced during the day. We take for much for granted, and I think we need to celebrate the small things.

So the first step is now done. When the clock wakes you up, start directly. Don’t snooze. Get up straight ahead. And while you are on your feet, do the first exercise, the step two. The basic from yesterdays blog will be a good suggestion.

Step three is the cold shower, there are so much good thing with a cold shower in the morning. First of all, this is a good way to train you brain for doing uncomfortable actions. This meaning  you will take action of things, instead of put thing until tomorrow or…Never?!. The cold shower is also very beneficial for your body. It will strengthen the immune defense, and it will reduce the risk for both Parkinson’s and dementia for example.

Now it is the time for the fourth step. Use 5 minutes for the most complicated task you have on mind at the moment. Now you have the most potential for solving complicated task. Your brain is now at its best solving mode.

The fifth step is to spend time in the nature, or somehow in the sun or in daylight somehow. This will increase your health, and the ability to feel good and problem solving approach. So go for it, try to challenge yourself for a better life…

“Discipline is the key to success”

Sonja Aldén – En magisk juletid (Official Audio)

Merry Christmas everyone, see ya on 31th of December.


Workout suggestion..

This years calendar coming to an end soon.  My workout planning includes a lot of different exercises. But my experience is to build up the strength with five basics exercise; Pull-ups, push-ups, Sit-ups, burpees and squats. The fine with this basics is that you can vary them endlessly, and also do them without accessories etc.

So lets begin with the pull-ups, you can do them normal, or with wide or narrow grip. One hand (if you strong) or one hand towards your face and the other revise. Do them up to chest and so on. So how can you increase the number of pull-ups then? You can do weighted pull-ups, or try this: Do three maximum set with pull-ups, rest 5min in between. Day two; do 10 reps of 50% of the best reps in day one. One minute rest in between and increase with one reps per set until you fail. Use a 4-5 sets of 40-50% of your maximum of numbers.

Push-ups, the same here, you a number of varies, wide arms, narrow arms etc. This is a exercise I suggest you to do every day, and increasing number.

Sit ups, first of all do them correct. Lock your feet’s.  Start with lower crunches and then upper crunches. (To exhaustion) three times of upper and three times of lower.

Burpees, do them correct-rolling up. Land with flat feet’s to spare them. Don’t stay on the floor with the chest,  fast up for not losing energy, Jump and land with spread legs, this will save energy as well.

Squats, use 4 set of 12 jump squats. Get really low and up on your toes. Start easy two set of 20 reps and increase one set every week.(three times/week)

Now I think you get a good start for building your body. But you should also add  core workout. Leg raises, knee to elbow and when you have build the strength use the toes to bar for core building.

And get yourself a morning routine, will get to that tomorrow…

Pentatonix – The Sound of Silence (Official Video)

See ya tomorrow..


What shell-jacket is the best?

Todays topic will be about Shell jackets. I should say that we can divide the shell jackets into four categories. The one with Tex or similar material,  the hybrid (partly with Tex material) the soft-shell with wind-stopper and the polyester and pressed wool jacket.

(Author in Offerdal with a Taiga 3L shell jacket a ”Heavy-Duty” one) So what to chose then? As usual, the question will be -What will it be used for? I use a 3L jacket for hard-core adventures or long adventures (high altitude etc.) I also got a 2,5L for more easy adventures. This one is very useful. Easy to pack with low weight means a lot of alternative to use. I have tried the hybrid ones, but I am not so happy with them. The polyester and pressed wool is perfect in constant cool temperature or when it good weather (you need to bring a shall that protect you from real wet weather, which means more in the backpack)

Ok, so what is important to check while choosing jacket? If you are going to wear back-pack for long or demanding adventures you need a jacket with a permeability of 20 000-28 000. This for the pack affect the jacket function. this means as well that you need to customize it, so you don’t have all the weight at the shoulders. You should also think about how many pockets you need, and if you are going to climb with it. A three layer jacket is more durable but a two layer feels more cozy.

Gjuratinden – Drone

See ya tomorrow…

Are you creative ? Yes you are…

Those of you who have followed my blog know that I usually discuss leadership and how to develop yourself and become a better guide. Today I thought I would look at two different qualities that you as a guide need to develop. This time I thought I would do it from a scientific perspective, it is always interesting to see things from several angles…

First of all, I thought I would start with the characteristic of creativity. This is a central ability, the ability to adapt to prevailing conditions. I will do this from a scientific perspective. So the first question is: Is and can everyone be creative? This is interesting because it is a buzzword that is used a lot today both in business and in other areas. The creative sorts under the openness. This is a skill we all got- and need for survival.  So the answer is yes we all really can be creative, isn’t that nice and confidence-inspiring. Leif Denti Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology and Innovation Psychology means that innovation psychology is about how good a organization can handle and adapt to innovation and culture and leadership related to the area.  He means that everyone can be and also develop his ability of creativities. But what we can learn is also that in a organization where the creativity stops for example: No you can not go to that seminaries, or we don’t have time for that now. This will stop and restrict the ability of creativity. But for a good environment for creativity it requires some frames. What cant or shall we not do, that is example where you scope. This so we don’t have too much freedom in creative thinking, because that will inhibit the whole thing. 

The other thing I will look into is how we select people for specific assignment and employment or different roles for example. There has been different types of model for this, and the armed forces has been doing this for a long time. One important ability is how to handle press and stressed situation. So in the U.S Marine the selection of candidates for the Navy Seals they have tested different types of models. David Bergman describe all of this in his book The psychology of combat. It is quite interesting a lot of things in this book, and one common thing in the recruitment is that the soldier’s with a  normal or higher giftedness, copes better with trauma and crisis situations. They got less of Post Traumatic Distress Syndrome (PTDS). But with knowledge about how PTDS and stress  arises/occurs can of course help us all to be prepared…


See ya tomorrow…

The white reindeer…

in the Sami legend of Mjandash, the white magical reindeer who can travel between worlds, humans are warned against breaking the rules of nature. ”If you don’t take care, the rain will stop falling, lakes and seas will dry up, rivers will boil – and everything on earth will turn to dust.” The magical white reindeer, is ancient and shows how humans once lived in perfect symbiosis with nature.It was a world where humans could become animals and animals humans, traits were transferred, diligence was rewarded and evil was punished. 

See ya tomorrow

The Western Jamtlands Mountains…

Today’s blog will be about the western Jamtlands mountain area. Due to the fact that this area has been in a particularly focus the last year. The Jamtlands triangle has have a big increase of visitors with beginning during the pandemic years. The trail-system especially in that area cross the whole area, and has been a problem for the renderer’s. The area has been a perfect spot for beginners in the Sweden mountains. Worth to mention is that the trail-system descend from the late 1800 and Torsten Boberg was one of the pioneers for planning and set them up. Today we can see a limitation and increased services in the area. This with a lot of arguing and discussion around the topic. Something I think is naturally.

But on the other hand, the western Jamtland is more than just this area. So from Tanndalen in the south towards skacker mountain in the North, there will be a lot of other trails to hike. A hike from Tanndalen towards Storviglen I really will recommend. A border cross peak tour, with the possibility for seeing Myskoxar. The other will be Sylarna from the backside. Start from Norway and go by Nedals cabin, also a really good tour. In the Bydalen area you will find a lot of nice hikes as well. And so far I haven’t mention the Jamtlanda answer to Sarek, the Skacker. Hike into Ruts valley, the Jamtlands “Rapa Walley” really recommended. Continue the hike round Sandfjallet and in towards Stry Valley this will be the perfect tour. But here as in Sarek, your navigation skills will be proven…

Pentatonix – That’s Christmas to Me (Official Video)

See ya tomorrow..

Be aware of the moister.

Today it will be about how you avoiding getting cold. When your out on adventure, becoming cold will be the last thing you want to be. So here come some advice. Number one, never be sweaty/wet. Adapt clothing all the time due to you activity.

Let’s start with your feet. Have you ever feeling cold even in a nice pair of winter boots? The reason can be that you use liner socks and a thicker merino sock. The problem here will be that the moister will stay in your boot. The moister make the feet cold. So change or apply to a pair thicker socks when your not on the move. Also consider to chose a boot with a number bigger as you usually wear (for winter use at least).

Ok, so now we walk up the body. Upper base layer you should use a thin merino layer. The less than 200 should be your choice -why you might ask. The reason is that is very easy to open up and get cold, and it will dry fast as well. If its cold you can use a thick but just the underwear in that case. But remember that 250-300 is not designed to handle a lot of sweat. Also use a base layer with a zipper so you can open up for ventilation and get rid of the moister.

So the mid layer, this layer shall just be used when you not are active. If its cold and you active you can use a vest.

Shell layer, Gore-Tex is good but not perfect. When you doing some real tough activity you know it want not being able to evaporate all moister out. The reason is that Gore-Tex is breathable when its not raining outside, and waterproof when raining outside. So make sure the jacket got armpit zips. Put the waist belt of the back pack under, and if it has along zipper in the side open it up.

Another good suggestion for keeping you warm can be to fill a camel back with hot water under you jacket. This will keep you warm for hours. Have you ever woken up with hard cold boots inside or outside the tent? Here’s a tip: Take two nalogen bottles with hot water and put them in your boots, this will give you more comfort…Use of down booties can be nice. This you can use at the campsite but also on your feet in the sleeping bag.

Björn Dixgård & Maxida Märak – Love Last Forever (Live ”Hela Sverige Skramlar”)

See ya tomorrow…

Aurora Borealis – Nordic Light.

Nordic Light which occurs when charged particles (mainly electrons) accelerated to high energies in the Earth’s magnetosphere crash into the Earth’s atmosphere. Such acceleration occurs only in certain regions of the magnetosphere, causing the aurora to occur mainly in ring-shaped areas around the Earth’s two magnetic poles. The aurora takes on various colors and can be yellow-green, green, blue, red, and reddish-violet.[2][3][4] The color of the aurora is determined by the altitude at which the electrons collide with the atmosphere.

(Aurora Borealis at Katterjokk Swedish Lapland in 2023) Normally, the aurora can be seen on almost every clear night at high latitudes under the so-called aurora oval, also called the northern lights oval in the northern hemisphere, and analogously in the southern hemisphere, the southern lights oval. The oval is located as a ring with its center over the magnetic pole. There are actually always auroras in the sky, even during the day, but then it is too bright to be seen with the naked eye.

The auroras are often yellow-green in color, but they can also be completely red or shift to red-violet at the bottom. They can only be seen with the naked eye at night; special instruments are required to observe the phenomenon in daylight. The occurrence of the auroras varies with the activity of the sun and is therefore linked to the so-called sunspot cycle, which is approximately 11 years long. The northern and southern lights also contribute to the high temperatures in the ionosphere, where the auroras occur.

In Sweden, the northern lights oval usually stays approximately above the latitude of Kiruna. Pajala is the place that most often has the aurora within sight. During geomagnetic storms, when the aurora oval is disturbed and grows in size, the aurora can also be seen at more southern latitudes such as central and southern Sweden and in exceptional cases all the way down to Southern Europe or even in Africa. In the same way, the aurora oval expands northwards on such occasions.

Good news for all night owls; the best time to see the Northern Lights is usually between 9:00 PM and 2:00 AM.

Aurora Borealis Kiruna in Swedish Lapland

Gwen Stefani – Here This Christmas (Theme To Hallmark Channel’s “Countdown To Christmas”)

See ya tomorrow…