It is better to become fit, instead of finding excuses for not training…

A normal week, with nine workouts and 500 minutes of training. More hours in the gym, and less in the running trails…Ended week with two hours longboarding. Nice…


In Sweden the highest peak is the south peak of Kebnekaise. At least at the moment. Very soon the northern peak will become to bethe highest(if not already). This will be a challenge related to the fact that the peak is more a technical climb. Today the Kebnekasie mountain station got mountain managers to guide the tourists to the top. But to the northern peak it will requires an authorized mountain guide. So either they need to hire more mountain guides or secure the area with fixed field solutions such as wires and ropes etc. In Sweden the Environmental protection agency (Sv. Naturvårdsverket) is responsible for this. Today they have done nothing, and very soon the pressure will be high to climb the peak from tourists. I hope the first accident not will be the starting point for building the required safety environment.


Kebnekaise North Peak..

Christopher McDoughall new book will soon be able to buy, after ”Born to run” he has written ”Kraftprovet” which is a book about the human inbound but forgotten physical ability. Naturally movement, stubbornness and proper nutritional intake. Thus back to basic again. Up in the mountains in Crete in Greece he try the challenge a British/Greece special forces team was subjected to…


This weeks music track…

See ya soon…


En reaktion på “It is better to become fit, instead of finding excuses for not training…”

  1. Its very importent, just as you write in your blogg to always think safety before you realy need it. Keb is one example. The heroic and unegoistic effert you performed by helping out a teammember on Mt Aconcaqua is another Ulf !!

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