Forgotten peaks..


Today we open the 11th door, and get a suggestion of forgotten peaks to climb.

The Sylskalsstöten is a nice peak to visit. Normally you just passed by, on your way to Helags. But if you choose to visit the peak you will be surprised. If you follow the north side of the peak, you will have a fantastic view from the top. Slottet, templet and the sylpeak is marvellous to see from this side.


From Sylsskalsstöten you can get fantastic views over the whole Sylmassif.

The second forgotten peak will be Kebnetjåkka. You can go directly from Kebnekaise mountain station, straight up to the peak. At the heigt of 1769m with a perfect view over three different glaciers it is outstanding. In the direction of west the Björling glacier, In North west the stor and icefalls glacier as well,


The wind shelter at the peak of Kebnetjåkka.

This weeks quiz was won of Göran Karlén who will get the fork and multitool.


 This weeks quiz: There are many explores that are not so famous, but still has done a lot experience. On not so known Swedish explorer called himself the ”folkhemmtes äventyrare” who was he, and in which country did he died?

See ya tomorrow..



En reaktion på “Forgotten peaks..”

  1. The view from Sylskalsstöten is great. Just be aware of the harch conditions in Ekorrdörra. You remember Ulf all our tours to the shelter for making good coffe?

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