Hectic spring…

This has been a hectic week, du to travels and meetings. The week begun with a meeting with the Swedish mountain safety council. This time it was a distance meeting, but I was in place at Ostersund. The reason was that the Swedish Mountain Leader Council would now take over the Mountain Leader norm from the Swedish environmental Protection Agency, a historical moment. So from now the FLR owns the norm.



(Ulf Bergman (FLR), Ingela Hiltula and P-O Wikberg (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency)

The spring meeting in the council always contains interesting statistics, so even this time. What we can see the visitor rate for the western Jamtland mountain has decreased, due to the change of the area. At the same time it has increased in Funasdals area. Something the Mountain rescue can confirm. Due to this is a bit of change of mountain rescue efforts. Here the cross-country tracks will be high in the mountains and exposed to the elements. There will also be a work related to events and how to work in a constructive way related to this.

Wednesday was reserved for the annual meeting in the Swedish Mountain Leader organization. After six years as vice chairman and treasure and one year as chairman it was time for me to back of and step into the shadow. The selected board is very strong, and it is time for a new step in the organization so I have fully confidence for the future.

Chayce Beckham – 23 (Lyric Video) (youtube.com)

See ya soon…

En reaktion på “Hectic spring…”

  1. Good work Bergman. Great to meet you last week After all administration and representation its time tl head to the mountains. Good luck with upcoming adventures

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