Outdoor first aid…

From my perspective the first aid knowledge can be divided into two parts; psychological and the practical part. The psychological first aid will be a part of the risk management work. So here it start with discovering what can possible go wrong, and how can I be prepared for it. Here it will be very important to have ”the big picture” of your adventure. Predict what can happened and how you can be prepared for it. One of the most important leadership skills you need will be the ability to act when the shit hits the fan and you or someone else get injured. This competence is a real commodity.

Be prepared when the shit hits the fan…

If there is a course or training it will be worth to invest in it will be in this area, You also must practice it, for keeping the skills up to date. Be friend with the chaos. When something happening there will be messy, so be prepared for that. So here comes a way of thinking in this type of situation: 1. Maintain your routine. 2. Take a break, get an overview so you know what it is all about. 3. Slow down an breath, get yourself calm. 4. Identify and start acting with a plan. 5. Keep perspective, don’t get into details. 6. Control what you can control and act out from that. As you can see, the better routines you got, the faster you get friend with the chaos. That because you know what to do. So secure you know what and how you handle a situation with a accident with injuries. Then you get yourself a plan for which step you should work out from. My recommend her will be the L-ABCDE, then it will flow as a waterfall…

First Aid Kit – Wolf (Live Glastonbury 2017) – YouTube

See ya tomorrow..

En reaktion på “Outdoor first aid…”

  1. This is a resy important topic Bergman. When you spend a lot of time in the mountains its notxif but when something happens. Either in your own group or other hikers you meet.
    Then one better be prepared.

    Ready to plan Storsnasen?

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