So you want to become a mountaineer…

We all want to develop and become better in outdoor techniques. And we often wonder what it takes for improving and become more skilled. So this will be the topic for today. So let’s start from the beginning, here comes some suggestion to get a base to start from. You need to get the experience of walked with a big backpack for more than eight hours. You should also have had a day where everything seemed to go wrong. Gotten lost. Gotten soaked. Gotten cold. Experienced rapidly changing alpine weather above the treeline. Scrambled several peaks where you had to use your hands and crossed sections where a fall would have been catastrophic. Done at least two backpacking trips longer than a weekend. Learned the basic how to belay, and tie all the basic nots(ex. Green cars at the climbing gym). When you have done all of this it is time for the next step.

A guide will help you to develop your skills…

Now you should contact a guide for a training in the mountains. It will be worth the effort of spending a long weekend together with a guide training you to the next step. Now you will learn navigation skills including GPS, altimeter, compass, topographical maps, , safe travel and protection techniques for snow and ice terrain. Ice-axe technique, how to use crampons, self-arrest technique and also snow and ice anchors. Rope technique, metrology, crevasse rescue, route planning. Introduction to accident and emergency response. Evacuation techniques and resources for rescue. During this process, get yourself a partner. It will be a lot easier to do this together with someone. And much more fun as well.

Now we have come to the most easy (and for most of us, the fun part) Gearing up. So what will you need? A buying list in order; First of all non-cotton layering clothing system. Hiking boots, Merino wool socks. Back-pack, gaiters, climbing harness, helmet, more merino socks, Mountaineering boot, Crampons, Ice ax. And by the way always remember: never trust a guy with shiny gear, so now you are up to evidence. Get put there and practice. Why don’t you hire a guide again, and practice all of your learnings in a nice area somewhere….

So if you are eager to get the “know how” I suggest you sign up with us. We will spend a weekend(three days) in Feb-Mar at Sylarna. Here you for sure will develop all of your mountaineering skills. We will meet up at the morning on Friday and go by ski or snowshoes to Sylarna. Here we will spend one night in tent and one night at the mountain station. The cost will be 9490:-//PP including food, accommodation, needed equipment and guide. We will be back on Sunday so you can take the night train back home. Of course you can extend it with one or two days as well. After this you will be ready to get out there by your own…

Ok, so over to this weeks golden rule. The first one was; do not underestimate a person getting up 05.00 in the morning. The second; You are your best coach. And here comes this weeks golden rule: Planning your personal development. So how can you do this? First you need to set yourself goals. Next step will be to prioritize this goals. Now you set yourself deadlines for when you want to achieve them. Next step will be to recognize threats and opportunities. Develop your skills or increase your knowledge? Use your support network. And measure your improvements.

This weeks scouting will be about Kick-offs. It doesn’t matter if you are a participant or a planner of it, here comes the trends. After the pandemic it seems like the companies are eager to start up the conferencing again. But the market trends will be: simple and calm activities. Easy walk in the forest or in the mountains. Social togetherness, reflective exercises and cooking in the team. Ax troughing is way out at the time…So what does it takes to succeed with the kick-off? Set a clear purpose and goal for the event. Choose a spot with care, the place will be setting off the whole feeling of the event. Secure “air” in the agenda for socialization. Plan for free-time, the feeling of the spot shall be relaxed. All activities shall be inclusive, all shall feel comfortable with it. And as I always had said: Start a bon-fire, serve cooking coffee and when the twilight comes the stories will come…(no agenda needed)

See ya soon…

Kate Wolf – Green Eyes – YouTube

En reaktion på “So you want to become a mountaineer…”

  1. This is really a good way of becomming a mountaineer. One have to take the steps gradually and evolve throughout time.

    Good advices Bergman. Now it’s time for our mountain friends to gear up…

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