Autumn is here…

In the morning when I wake up, and in the evening it is getting dark at eight a clock. I must confess, and I like it. The winter season is coming up, and light some candle and enjoy the dusk. Go with the nature and follow the flow, it is time for reflection. You for sure know what just you shall reflect over. Take the time and fill up your skills were you lacking knowledge.

The topic of the day will be altitude medicine. Already in 1878 Paul Bert propound that the low atmosphere pressure is the reason to the problem at high altitude. Before the explanation was that people was exhausted. What is important to understand is that already at 2400m you can be affected of AMS(Acute Mountain Sickness). At 3500m 50% of us get AMS if we go directly to that height (Aguille du Midi at 3800m). Between 4000-5000m the most case of HAPE and HACE appear here. It is also important to bear in mind that the temperature sink with one degree per every 150m ascending. All this factors make it so important to do a good acklimatisation. Start with a night at 2700m, and then you can ascending up to 3000-3500m. Irregular breathing is not a sign of AMS. Headache = stop ascending. 300 altitude meters pro day, and every third day shall be a rest day. I will continue this article next week…If you are going to high altitude, it can be worth buying a pulseoximeter to be able to chek your oxygen saturation.

This weeks hiking suggestion will be a tour at the Pyrenees. This trail is all over about 132km. it will take 7-9 days. But you will experience, the calm, steep peaks, deep blue mountain lakes. The trail follows the france border, and close to the highest peaks in the pyrenees. You will start in Vielha and will end up at the Refugio de Conangles, Vielha.

Wandern im Pyrenäen-Nationalpark Aigüestortes: Gran Bucle-Trek | Abanico  Individuell Reisen

The french climber taking the Ice climbing/conyoning (in the Pyrenees) a step further…

See ya soon…



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