22:nd of December, a turning point..


So today it is time for door twentytwo, and maybe it is something for you:-).

Today it is the Winter Solstice.(Vintersolstånder på svenska) and from now on, the Daylight will be longer..


What seventeen thing does sucessful people do?

1- They move on. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves.

2- They keep control. They don’t give away their power.

3- They embrace change. They welcome challenges.

4- They stay happy. They don’t complain. They don’t waste energy on thing they can’t control.

5- They are kind, fair, and unafraid to speak up. They don’t worry about pleasing other people.

6- They are willing to take calculated risks. They weigh the risks and benefits before taking action.

7- They invest their energy in the present. They don’t dwell on the past.

8- They accept full responsibility for their past behavior. They don’t make the same mistake over and over.

9- They celebrate other people’s success. They don’t resent that success.

10- They are willing to fail. They don’t give up after failing. They see every failure as a chance to improve.

11- They enjoy their time alone. They don’t fear being alone.

12- They are prepared to work and succeed on their own merits. They don’t feel the world owes them anything.

13- They have staying power. They don’t expect immediate results. 14- They evaluate their core beliefs and modify as needed.

15- They expend their mental energy wisely. They don’t spend time on unproductive thoughts.

16- They think productively. They replace negative thoughts with productive thoughts.

17- They tolerate discomfort. They accept their feelings without being controlled by them.

And at the end of this blog, I will provide you with some instructions of freeheel skiing..



Se ya tommorow:-)


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