When the trip is the goal, about workout and first aid in outdoor.

When its time for travel to the mountains of Sweden my journey stats from Stockholm. When its summer is nice to start early. Listening to the radio and look out on the landscape. Already after one hour the landscape start to shift. Many are the small village I passed. Kårböle, Ytterhogdal, Ljungdalen, Järpen and Undersåker. Names that will start feelings inside of me. Lots are the stories associated with these resorts.

Ytterhogdal, mean lunch when you are going home from the mountains..

Undersåkers train station, anticipation of adventures and of mountain environment.

The Pilgrim inns. A stop and recovery with food, and a reflection of the mountain adventures..

Take a stop at strandgården, for a visit to sleep recover and a fantastic view..

So don’t forget to enjoy the trip as a important part of the adventure. Often is it here you have the real experience. As that time when I was sitting at the train station in Marrakech looking at photos of polar bears. thanks for that Adrian.

When it comes to first aid in the outdoor environment, it is important to have the skills and knowledge. Maybe you are the only one who knows what to do, and you must know when you need to take decision over a evacuation.

When someone get injured you need to do a emergency care. L-A-B-C-D-E.

Airway and C-spine control. Breating, Circulation and bleeding, Disability, Expose and environment.

Secure the injured person get free airways. Then check the breathing; see listen and feel. Check the puls, if its weak or greatly enhanced suspect circulatory influence. Disability, use the AVPU-scale: Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive. (ask the injured to move fingers and toes gently, if unconscious note if the injured moves arms/legs spontaneously) Exposure. This one, will be explain in the next blog.

When it comes to the workout it has been a real good week. With 900 minutes I cant be anything than satisfied. Ended up the week with 7km with a 23kg backpack. The target was 50 minutes and the result:

45.59 four minutes left, great result.

And today a air assault bike challenge. 10 x 30s  60s recovery, with a mate. The target was 220 Cal. result 243 cal. and approved.

Ice climbing training..

See ya soon, and soon it is time for this years advent calendar..

En reaktion på “When the trip is the goal, about workout and first aid in outdoor.”

  1. I get a feeling of adventure and longing when I see the train picture of Undersåker. Greit winterexperiences in Jämtland Ulf.

    Keep on dragging the tyre. This winter I expect you to break the trax in the deep snow…

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