How to get a strong mind, time for prepare for the upcoming season..


In a turbulent world we all need a strong mind. A strong mind is build up of five ingredients, the five elements is: Confidence, courage, commitment, control, purpose.

Confidence, start working with nit. step by step. A mountain are climbed step by step and not by giant steps. belief in yourself and your ability to meet your goals

Courage, Courage is the tendency to see life’s obstacles as challenges to be met rather than threats to be avoided. Face the situation, Believe you can do it,. Waiting would only make the situation worse..

Commitment, People are often unsuccessful because they lack commitment to their deepest values. Competence is not an inherited trait, like blue eyes. Competence is the result of working hard and concentrating on bringing about the desired result.

Control. A strong mind shuts out feelings of fear and inadequacy and focuses on reaching the goal. Control is having a certainty that you are able to shape your destiny rather than passively accepting events as they come along.

Purpose,  Live your life with a purpose. No matter how many major changes and transitions you go through in your life, if you rely upon guiding principles and values that are important to you, they will always give your life meaning.Strong-minded people have a dedication that comes from a purpose that’s in alignment with their deepest values.

The Sylarna- Helags-Valadalen will become a Nation park. The Environmental Protection agency have done a lot research and measurement. One is about guest nights at the mountain stations. At Sylarna there was 12000  guest night 2016, at Blahammaren 8500, and at Helags 6500 guest nights. The mountain environment becomes more and more popular.


Sylarna mountain station, one of the most popular ones..

Now it become time for stat to prepare for the upcoming mountain season. Start with the hill training, starting with a warming up about 10 minutes. Then its time for 5-7 X 2 minutes up-hills cold down downhill’s.  Now it is time for 5-6 X 1 minutes higher intensity, and rest downhill’s end it up with 5 X 30 seconds. Cold down with 10 minutes slow pace running, and you will be a bit stronger for the upcoming trail/walking/climbing season…


Secure a good preparation for the upcoming mountain season.

This week a bit nostalgically music from the 80s Swedish reggae..

See ya soon..


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