Outdoor Coffee..


When it comes to outdoor activities, the coffee will be a important part. As moral strengthen, as a heather in a cold morning and a catalyst for the digestive system..


A good adventure day starts with a cup of the black gold.

Today there is a lot of choice, both in quality and cost and weight and solution. So there is a jungle. Today I will reach out some of the question marks.

When it comes to a luxury choice the Oxx coffeebox will be your choice. https://oxx.com/thecoffeeboxx/ it will cost approx. 217 Euro. But then you got a real good coffee maker.


Oxx Coffeebox, not so litepac but high quality..

Next step will be the percolator solution.

GSI perculator

GSI percolator for the gourmet..

For 94 euro you can get a good quality coffeemaker from GSI, a real good choice. Still a bit expensive, and will take some space..https://www.addnature.com/gsi-perculator-pot-8-cup-glacier-stainless-484624.html?gclid=CNK7g5vJuNICFZ7KsgodsA8JtA&_cid=21_1_-1_9_1348_484624_58075059774_pla&ef_id=WLhtlQAAAQ@BVCmM:20170302193839:s

The next one is still a bit expensive, but will take a bit less of space and weight.


The handpresso is easy to use and will give you a tasty espresso at your adventure..

For 125 Euro the handpresso will be yours.. http://www.outdoorexperten.se/p-13540-handpresso-wild.aspx

The own cooked coffee always test good, so why don’t use a press solution for the stowed you already got. All stows company got some solution for this, and you can also use it for the. https://www.addnature.com/primus-coffeetea-press-487636.html



Primus coffee press.

If you like the old fusion way of coffee, the go cook it by yourself. With a coffee kettle,. Lemmel of Sweden got a nice solution..


Lemmel the samis way of taking care of the golden drink..


When space and weight will become important there still is a solution (of course you still want quality) there still is a way to go..


The Growers cup will give you a real good coffee. It is cheap For two Euro you will get a great cup of coffee http://www.outdoorexperten.se/m-340-growers-cup.aspx

And at last the rescuer to always bring with you. I will never leave my home for a trip without it in my pack. And cheap, the quality..quite ok..


Enjoy your coffee on your next trip, doesn’t matter winch one you choose:-).


See ya soon..


En reaktion på “Outdoor Coffee..”

  1. Now we start talking Ulf. Coffee is the nearest way to happines and joy and the best way to heaten up the spirit in the mountains. I often think if our morning with the red coulor on the mount Storsnasen with fresh brewed coffe in the frostfull dawn. Cheers..

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