Chamonix, A guides thought Anaris cabin and about coulors

Been home for a couple of days, since Chamonix. Yesterday I raced in the Tough Viking race. The largest obstacle race in the Nordics. 15km with over 35 different obstacles. Cant say that I was good prepared due to my training.


15km with over 35 different obstacles, and place 108 its ok.

Chamonix this time has been real good. With two different missions, and set-up it went real good.


The team roped up for the arête at Aguille du Midi..

With a successful glacier hike at 3600m and with a smiling sun everyone was satisfied. Well some of us with moved limitation after the mission:-)


As a guide you always have to rethink your role and skills/knowledge. I think it is important that you all the time get a bit deeper to knowing yourself. You must be in a good physical shape to handle upcoming situations. You must be so skilled so you can have a mental preparedness for new situations. So as a guide I challenge my self all the time, and being in the mountain environment makes you humble and rethinking your skills, knowledge and both mental and psychical strength. Safety and credible with a big portion of trust, that is characteristics a guide should have.


The second guide mission completed with happy clients and a happy guide.

So now its onsly start planning for the winter season, and next years Chamonix event. And maybe it will be with trail running and some peak attempts:-)

This weeks presentation of mountain cabin will be the Anaris Cabin. This is one of the smallest cabin in the Swedish mountains. With just 10 beds, it is seldom visit. You have to do at least 20km to get there which deters some. But it is still worth a visit, the are is very nice and you will really like it.


Anaris cabin can be reach from Vallbo, Valadalen mountain station, Lunndorren cabin or Hoglekardalen.

If you going here, you probably will be alone almost of the time..And you, it is a terrific goal for a trail running…

Two older men was lost in the northern mountain environment close Riksgransen. In the news we could read that they were using a green tent. I think it is very important to think about the colour of your equipment. Use colours that is visible, if you being in trouble, that will help the rescue crew..


Gear with high visibility can help you when the accident is there..

See ya soon..

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