Snuölke butji sisne, The tourism in Jamtland..

Its a hard work to be a reindeer shepherd. The samis work together, but it is a tough work due to you have to alert to protect the herd from wild dogs and wolfs. Even eagles and lynx’s is a threat. And the wolves has a supernal affect for the samis. They wait for the shepherd to become tired, then he will attack the reindeer herd. So you better not sleep.


A tough work to be a reindeer shepherd..

When the shepherd has been relieved, he fall into a heavy sleep. Nothing can wake him, well you would need a big pot of coffee and at least 5 minutes to get him awake. But if you whisper: ”Snuölke butji sisne” in his ear. He will wake up within a second. It means; the wolf is in the reindeer herd.


The wolf, one of the treats for the Samis.

When it comes to the mountain tourism in Sweden, it can be generalized into to areas; Mid Sweden and Lappland. The advantage for mid Sweden will be the access. It is easily to get there and within less time. When the railway company has decided that they will stop the night train, I am surprised that the tourist association not has stared to find other solutions. It would be easy to set up bus package from the big cities. Or package agreement with car hire companies. In this way they can ”own” the tourist the whole way to the destinations


. A solution that has been proven before, bus to the mountain area…

When it comes to training, it has been more endurance during the summer. That is good for have some rest from the gym training. Now I am prepared for the new gym season. There has also been a research about the training environment. And if you going out in the nature the negative thoughts will be remarkable reduced comparing to be in the city environment. This weeks exercises will be the plank, but do it with wide arms. You even train the chest doing it that way..


A new and even tougher way of the plank..

Challenge yourself with new exercise, you have to do that for improving. Keep on, it will rock:-)

And some new music at the end..

See ya soon.

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