So here comes the summary of the 2024.
A Autumn tiredness, in October I wrote about this. The sleep is the recovery of our bodies, so be aware of that, and take care of your sleep.
B Björneggen, a new acquaintance, the IML Winter assessment took place here and I was really satisfied with the area and all possibilities here. I will for sure return…
C Copyright, well this was the reason for me to stop blogging in February. I have used a photo that cost me a amount of money. So I decided to stop, but get on better thoughts and rethink it.
D Discipline, for me this is a magic and nice word (for some it is a terrible one) but this is how to have a form for develop for each day. Have in mind to become a better you for each day. Not just physical, but as a human/person.
E Enaforsholm, this place where somehow everything in the mountains begun for me (in 1980). And still it is a place for reflection and contemplation. It will always be a main part of my mountain history.
F Funäsdalen, I might have praised this village to much… But the village is so lively, so vital and filled with energy, you can always find an adventure in some way here. This year I will not forgot the morning walk with my husky and the fog lifted and the mountains emerged.
G Guiding, this is all about leadership humility, I am so glad over a lot of things this year. Three new IML instructors, a new IML standard and a ownership and start up with a new Mountain Leader Norm in Sweden.
H Hukejaure, this cabin is a real pearl. Situated close to the Hukejaure lake. The Nordkalott trail passes here and it is a seldom visit cabin.
I Introduction of IML for the Campus Åre took place in September in Åre area. A couple of students get to try out parts of the IML training. Both teacher, students and instructors where satisfied.
J Jämtland, not mention the area this year would be wrong. A lot of changes has been done due to the decision of take into account the reindeer herds demands. This result in 30% reduction of Mountain tourists in the area.
K Kenai, my loved Husky, my life mate my best friend. He have to pass away in the late October. I still cry over him at my daily hikes. I miss him, what more can I say…
L Leadership, a lot of writing in my blogs about the topic. Guiding and leadership belongs together, and it will always be a major and important part in my blogs.
M Mountain Safety Council, as a member of this I think it is a very important work. The physical meting at Postvallen was great. The morning run among the Kesu lake was something to bring in my memory.
N Näske, the Northern entry towards Skuleskogen was a new experience. This hike with Kenai was unforgettable. The late September sun really shined into our souls…
O Orienteering, as always I started the summer season with the yearly “Naturpasset” a couple of orienteering controls. This is a good habit to keep up the spirit and knowledge for navigation skill.
P PLB, this is a real good safety solution. I can also see that the market of Personal Locator Beacon increases which is very good. If you don’t have one, get it. This will hire your safety potentially.
Q Quotes, ”If you think you’ve peaked, find a new mountain.” ” The way up to the top of the mountain is always longer than you think. Don’t fool yourself, the moment will arrive when what seemed so near is still very far.”
R Renhornet, This mountain cabin is well worth a visit. So why don’t you go there this winter? You will be satisfied.
S Skuleskogen-Skuleberget, I will always return to this place. It a an wonderful area with a lot of options. The small cabins and the near of the sea really make you feel free.
T Tent, the 6th of October I blogged about tents. Here you got a lot of good advises and suggestion of how to chose the right tent. The night I spend at the small lake at Ottfjället in September was incredible. When I took the first coffee of the day I really enjoyed…
U UIMLA, this year the yearly meeting was in North Macedonia. So we took a decision of accept the new platform/standard for the IML training. It was really great to meet al countries, and I understood the complexity with so many wills…
V Voss, a summing of this year without mention Voss, Norway would be totally wrong. I really fall in love with this place. A small nice village with the mountains and waterfall so close. The morning hike among the lake was tremendous.
W Why, cant we take the natures way of showing us that we need to take care of it? I am really afraid and thinking a lot of how I can be better to take care of the environment. I am so tired of this “fake” news. Shut up and read real fact. And that when it comes to all news. Take responsible for you own knowledge. What is facts and what is fake.
X X-treme. This can means a lot but here it will be the Helsport Tarp I will test. I look forward to that and I think it will be an interesting experience.
Y Yonder, what will be the next adventure? Well a night under the stars is what I am looking forward to. This will be this New year’s cliff hanger…
Z Zipper, this is one thing that is really important. A small detail that can save your night sleep. Never get wet from damp clothes. Use the zipper all gear/apparel got.
Å Åre Campus, a great cooperation between SFLO and Campus Åre has been established and very happy for that.
Ä Älvdalen, the year started with Ice climbing as usual and was really good as always.
Ö Över, now this year is over, and a new adventure year to come. I really looking forward to this year…

Manu Chao – Tu Te Vas (feat. Laeti) (Official Music Video)
See ya soon…