Meet an entrepreneur, and some new gear..

So now its November in our calendar. I am not satiesfyed due to I got a cold that grabbed me. Yesterday I was at the climbing gym, and also run with my husky. But today I am drinking tea, and lying in bed..

One day on the wall..Next day in bed:-(.

This weeks interview  will be with a real entrepreneur. Fredrik Hjort are a ”handyman”(Sv. tusenkostnär) He work as Management Consult in banking, he is CEO for the Adventurer of the year and also work as guide at Aventyrsresor just for mention a couple of his missions..

Fredrik, what is your outdoor background?

I started in the scouts and of course did a lot of outdoor activities there. Even role-playing with adventure as a focus was also a part. In 2010, moving from the gym to more trail running. In turn, this led to Lidingöloppet, and with that it became a ”Svensk Klassiker”. Then it became more towards Ultra. In that sense, I felt that the experience became more important than the weight of the bar in the gym. Then I was asked by Renata Chlumska if I wanted to do the Goran Kropp challenge. I thanked and, asked if I would be to be the first to do it I would be interested. And I did it in May 2016. So then  cycling to Kebnekaise and summiting the South peak, and cycling back. Can tell you that it was exciting to do this in May !. Then I did the Mountain Leader training. and that I did in the Friluftsfrämjandet. A fantastic organization. And of course, I become a member in STF as well.  So today, I work as a Management Consultant, traveling at Nepal, Svalbard, Kilimanjaro as a guide. It’s about getting it all together. Luckily, I and my partner Wilma are sharing the interest for outdoor activity.

Can you see any trends in outdoor activities?

”One thing I can see is that longer hikes are increasing. The fact that Kebnekaise is a popoular is a fact for sure. Hope the South peak continues to build on with snow so it may be the highest again. for the reason to prevent accidents from people climbing the North peak without enaugh knowledge..
If you are going to be the year’s adventurer 2019, what will be required then? Is not everything done?

-Ha ha, no, there’s a lot left to do. You can look at those who were nominated this year. Going through the desert, adventure with cultural focus, as well as adventure with animals are such areas as will be more common.
How do you look at the trends for outdoor enthusiasts when it comes to the media?

-I think newspapers will be replaced by digital media instead. Pods such as, ”read me” is solutions where we will find inspiration. David Breece is doing a fantastic job with the Outsidesweden.

Ok, the best coffee you ever drank on an outdoor tour?
-Always the first of the morning, lying / sitting in the sleeping bag with abside open and with a nice view. (Please prepare with the help of a thermos) and take good time on you …

Hidden special places for you in Sweden?
-There are many of them, but for mention some; Vålådalen is one I have found out to become a favourite of mine.  But also the whole Keb area is incredibly nice. My suggestion here will be: Take Durling’s trail (the route goes from Singistugan to Kebnekaise south peak)

And what  happens in your life at the moment?
-Now I am going to New York for running the marathon, but just for ”feeling good” after a intensive year so far…

And with 26 day left to the first of December it is time to check the wish-list to santa. So here comes some suggestions:

First aid kit it Always a good thing to bring in the backpack. This one from Ortovox is easy to pack, and got all you needed for the outdoor tour.

For becoming a real alpinist you must have a pair of glacier glasses. This Classic ones from Julby are real nice

And for us who wants to ski, and have fun offpist this ski from Black Diamond would be a must to have. The lightest ski in there series.

And here comes one of my favourites..Everlast

See ya soon

2 reaktion på “Meet an entrepreneur, and some new gear..”

  1. Hope we’ll get better very soon, I have soon eaten a whole packet of zyx:-(
    Two very good things on the wish list. The glasses is very cool, Inge has a similar par.

  2. Great advise with baking from Stockholm and summit ingredients Kebnekaise. Something for UK Ulf who got the endurance?

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